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Tuis » Algemeen » Koeitjies & kalfies » Re: Put pressure on the Government
Re: Put pressure on the Government [boodskap #16951] Wo, 19 Augustus 1998 00:00
Edwin  is tans af-lyn  Edwin
Boodskappe: 16
Geregistreer: Desember 1997
Karma: 0
Junior Lid
'n Mens so 'n saak daarvoor uitmaak dat die hoof "onderdrukkerstaal" die
afgelope paar eeue Engels was. Die apartheidsregering sou waarskynlik nie so
lank aan die bewind gebly het as dit nie vir Engels- en andertaliges was wat
ook vir hulle gestem het nie.

Nee wat, dis nie 'n taal wat die onderdrukker is nie, maar mense. Afrikaans
word deur beide onderdrukkers en onderdruktes gepraat... en Afrikaners was
al gedurende die afgelope eeu onderdruktes en onderdrukkers.



Secret Squirrel wrote in message
> Listen you mr high and mighty racist language puritan "olympic" - FYI any
language is acceptable in this NG. It may come as a shock to you, but your
apartheid regime is all but over. afrikaaners must learn to accept that the
delusions of aryan race superiority does not bode well in SA in the 90's.
> Your language and culture is set to disintigrate, and will be lost forever
when your children shun the taal as it will identify them as children of the
former oppressor.
> Welcome English and other international languages here you fool.
> You will soon need all the friends you can muster.
> Squirrel
Re: Put pressure on the Government [boodskap #16952 is 'n antwoord op boodskap #16951] Wo, 19 Augustus 1998 00:00 Na vorige boodskap
Errol Back-Cunningham  is tans af-lyn  Errol Back-Cunningham
Boodskappe: 1029
Geregistreer: Augustus 1996
Karma: 0
Senior Lid
On 19 Aug 1998 21:43:05 -0000, Secret Squirrel wrote:

|Listen you mr high and mighty racist language puritan "olympic" - FYI any language is acceptable in this NG.

Jy sit die pot mis - hier het dit in die eerste plek met Afrikaans te

| It may come as a shock to you, but your apartheid regime is all but over. afrikaaners must learn to accept that the delusions of aryan race superiority does not bode well in SA in the 90's.

Ja aap, maar kyk na Simon se sensus - meeste van ons sit nie in SA
nie! Die 90's is ook hoeka verby, arme sot ...!

|Your language and culture is set to disintigrate, and will be lost forever when your children shun the taal as it will identify them as children of the former oppressor.

My taal sal my altyd identifiseer as iemand wat deel gehad het aan die
instandhouding van ordentlike waardes sover as wat ek kon. Ek is
trots op my Afrikanerskap en hoe ek dit dra.
|Welcome English and other international languages here you fool.

Jy is die "fool" - ons verwelkom lank reeds almal - en meeste van
hulle neem deel in Afrikaans.
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