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Tuis » Algemeen » Koeitjies & kalfies » DeskTopDollars (Pos checks na Suid-Afrika)
DeskTopDollars (Pos checks na Suid-Afrika) [boodskap #29700] Wo, 05 April 2000 00:00
Armand du Plessis  is tans af-lyn  Armand du Plessis
Boodskappe: 1
Geregistreer: April 2000
Karma: 0
Junior Lid
Ek het so bietjie meer as 'n maand gelede aangesluit en nie rerig gedink ek
sal betaal word nie, maar ek het nou 'n check (in dollars) van hulle af
ontvang vir R 398 en dit was vir niks doen nie en net op die internet surf.

Dis 'n ekstra R400 wat ek gekry het net om die internet te gebruik.

YOU GET PAID TO BE ONLINE! Whether you surf the web, write a letter, or
check your email, as long as you're connected YOU GET PAID.

Don't worry, it's absolutely FREE, no catch.

Just click on this link (or cut and paste into your browser) to go to the
site so you can find out more. (just clicking will not sign you up)

I hope you enjoy the site. When you register, please make sure that my
email address is totally correct to identify me as the one who referred

Armand du Plessis
Vorige onderwerp: ++Bargain!!
Volgende onderwerp: Demokrasie in SA
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