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Boodskap aan die Indiers & SABC [boodskap #25027] Vr, 30 Julie 1999 00:00 na volgende boodskap
reisiger  is tans af-lyn  reisiger
Boodskappe: 646
Geregistreer: Julie 1999
Karma: 0
Senior Lid
Die SABC het in September 1997 Shri Sathya Sai Baba, 'n
Indiese Avatar, in 'n program oor "frauds" uitgebeeld
as 'n kroek. Besluit om ondersoek te gaan instel, en in
September 1997 Indie vir 'n maand getoer, en die Tibetaane
in Dharamsala, Bhagvan Shri Rashneesh ( en
Shri Sathya Sai Baba se Ashram besoek in Puttaparthi.

Hy word wereldwyd beskou as 'n Avatar. (Dit is iemand soos
Jesus Christus, maar vir die Indier geloof). Persone wat
soontoe gaan, word in hulle eie geloof versterk. Ek het
geen besprekings vooraf gemaak nie, net 'n lae koste reis
handboek gebruik. Baie Indiers het my gehelp. Hulle is
fantastiese mense. Was in Indie vir nie langer as vyf
minute gestrand nie. Die reis was 'n totale wonderwerk. Sai
Baba het 'n hospitaal in Puttaparthi, Indie waar pasiente
gratis operasies ontvang. Hulle betaal slegs vir medisyne.
Wie durf hom beledig? Hoekom vertel die "frauds" program
nie al die feite nie - hoekom net die helfte wat hulle pas?

Die oggend toe ek daar aankom, 7h05, kom Baba uit sy kamer
uit, en ek staan teenoor Hom, aan die ander kant van die
Tempel, toe die klokke begin lui het. Hoendervleis gekry.
Daardie dag, net daardie dag vir die week wat ek daar
deurgebring het, waar daar 'n ry mense oop tussen my en die
Baba. Die ander dae was die pad nie oop nie, en mense het
in bondels daaroor gesit. Ek was binne 3 meter van Hom af.
Kan duisende synergy wonderwerke van Deepak Chropra se boek
opnoem, wat gebeur het. Die multi-kulturele ervaring wat
beleef is, was fantasties. Net aan Paul Kruger gedink wat
met sy elektroniese perd van rekenaar tot rekenaar ry, die
vyand laat skrik, en sy mense inlig, oor wat ons die
diepste kwel - hoekom haat hulle ons so? Dit was 'n Baba
geskenk, glo ek.

In Indie kom ek agter Sjina en Pakistan is haar vyande, wat
later bevestig word. En op die Internet verkoop hulle
Pelindaba aan Sjina.

Nadat die ANC so suksel was met die Afrikaners, wat
chiauaus geword het wat traantjies in hulle ogies kry, nou
ook so met die Indiers te maak?

Wel dit was 'n geleendheid wat nie weer lank sal kom nie.
Mnr. Oppenheimer se beginsel van sukses is "Opportunity
sneaks by". Dankie Mnr. Oppenheimer - so verander ons
Afrikaners ook die politiek. Al van 'n one-man IDASA
gehoor? Het Ghandiji se beginsel van non-violence en "my
life is my message" verander na voilence teen hulle
godsdienstige en kulturele moederland?

Te hel daarmee. Die ANC het te ver gegaan. Indiers het my
met die beste naasteliefde in Indie behandel, ek sal dit
wragtig nie toelaat nie. "Co-accountability".

Vandag is die Indier politiek miskien omgekrap, en die ANC
is miskien bitter daaroor, maar Indiers is terug in hulle
geestelike gemaksones, van non-violence en
besigheidsvernuf, wat die Rand kan help stabiel hou.
Indiers kan nie meer groepskarma vir hulle volgelinge skep
nie. Daarvoor kan julle Shri Sathya Sai Baba bedank. Hy het
julle lief, of julle bereid is om Hom te aanvaar of nie.
En Hy verander die politiek internasionaal.

En vandag kan ons pragtige Hindi en Tamil flieks kyk, soos
Kutch Kutch Hotha Hai. Geniet dit.

Om Namah Shiva
Prema Baba Prema Sathya Sai Baba (Prema beteken Liefde)
Om Sai Ram

Lief vir almal hier
Reisende Johan

Re: Boodskap aan die Indiers & SABC [boodskap #25075 is 'n antwoord op boodskap #25027] Sa, 31 Julie 1999 00:00 Na vorige boodskapna volgende boodskap
la_q...  is tans af-lyn  la_q...
Boodskappe: 2
Geregistreer: Julie 1999
Karma: 0
Junior Lid

The following is from an online book that analyses Sai Baba's
"miracles". Its a must read for anyone who is interested in Sai Baba in
any way.

To be omniscient is to be all knowing. Such a claim is impossible to
confirm with certainty, for it would involve testing the person's
knowledge about absolutely
everything! But it is very easy to refute if it is a false claim. All
that is required is to show that the person making the claim lacks some
knowledge that it is possible
for a person to have. For example, one who is omniscient will know all
the human languages of the world. But Sai Baba, by his own admission and
that of his
followers, only knows two or three Indian languages fluently. And in a
country where vast numbers of people speak fluent English, Sai Baba's
English is too broken
and unsteady for use in public discourses! In his letters to devotees,
Sai Baba makes no pretences about this, and, for instance, excuses
himself to one disciple for
not having written earlier, explaining that he had no translator about
so he could not get his letter translated:

1 - Sai Baba's Letter To Hislop, 8-9-69:

Hislop accept this shower of Love and Joy. I received all the
letters you wrote, and felt happy, reading them. Since I could not get a
moment of leisure,
due to the various items of work connected with the Whitefield
College, and since the hurdle of language had to be crossed that is to
say, since I could
not write to you directly in Telugu, and I did not have with me
persons who could correctly translate what I write I had to send you
this letter after so
much delay.

Sai Baba's Letter Quoted in Hislop, My Baba & I, p. 235.

2 - Sai Baba's Letter To Hislop, 15-1-70:

Hislop, accept my blessings. The letters you sent have all been
received. I have read them all...but, I was not able to send you
replies, immediately.
Many thousands of devotees had gathered during Dasara, the
Birthday, and the All-India Conference of Office Bearers of Sathya Sai
and so, I could not avail myself of even a moment's leisure.
Besides, since the building of the college has started, I have been at
Bangalore, for about a
month. Kasturi was at Prasanthi Nilayam, and letters to you had to
be translated, and typed. So, the delay lengthened. This is what
Therefore, do not imagine that I have forgotten you. I shall never
forget you...

Letter of Sai Baba quoted in Hislop, ibid., p. 238.

So, in Sai Baba's own words, he lacks the knowledge to do certain
things--in short, he is not omniscient! How do we reconcile this obvious
Re: Boodskap aan die Indiers & SABC [boodskap #25076 is 'n antwoord op boodskap #25027] Sa, 31 Julie 1999 00:00 Na vorige boodskapna volgende boodskap
la_q...  is tans af-lyn  la_q...
Boodskappe: 2
Geregistreer: Julie 1999
Karma: 0
Junior Lid
In article ,
Said wrote:
> In article ,
> teased:
>> Therefore, do not imagine that I have forgotten you. I shall
> never
>> forget you...
>> Letter of Sai Baba quoted in Hislop, ibid., p. 238.
>> So, in Sai Baba's own words, he lacks the knowledge to do certain
>> things--in short, he is not omniscient! How do we reconcile this
> obvious
>> contradiction?
> "How do we reconcile this obvious contradiction?"
> Jesus First Statement about command:Whosoever therefore shall break one
> of the least these commandments andshall teach men so he shall be
> called the least in the kingdom ofheaven;Jesus Second Statmeent about
> commandments:For the Son of man is Lord even of the sabbath day

Jesus says that you are a part of God but the devil's temptations keep
you from heaven. No contradiction there, only philosophy. But there is
a lot of contradictions in Baba's speach that cannot be thought out as
philosophy. For example, how can he one day say that the Star that
appeared when Jesus was born is due to the birth of Jesus and then say
that the Star is not because of the birth of Jesus and it only appears
once every few hundred years? What is the logic behind that.

And oh, do you think that because I have spammed before makes Sai Baba
holy? You are so sloooowwww! Hehehehehe

Yes, I spammed, and will continue to do so. Copy this message and post
it in all of your messages, OK? NO one will care, you can't save Sai
Baba by telling people that I spam. Only Sai Baba can save himself by
coming clean of his mistakes.

And one more thing, I am not ashamed that Sai Baba molested me or that I
masterbated, otherwise I wouldn't put it on the internet. Do you get
the idea? Hehehehe I put my experience on the internet for everyone to
see, so why do you post my experience to the newsgroups as if the sexual
content is going to hurt my reputation? You are really stupid man. Get
a brain. Heheheheh

> Afshin does not mention the spam of
>, etc.?
> 2000 items in over one hundred news groups!
> Only for his account
> (Name on Record: Afshin Khorramshahgol) there are 920 unique messages!
> Number of Messages Forum
> 90 soc.culture.iranian
> 85 talk.religion.newage
> 19 alt.religion.christian
> 16 alt.consciousness.mysticism
> 15 alt.religion.christian.roman-catholic
> 15 soc.culture.indian
> 15 soc.culture.malaysia
> 13 alt.alien.visitors
> 13
> 11 alt.religion.islam
> 11
> 11 talk.religion.course-miracle
> 10 fr.soc.religion
> 10 soc.culture.pakistan
> 10 talk.religion.misc
> 9 alt.alien.research
> 9
> 9
> 9
> 9 alt.meditation
> 9 alt.paranet.ufo
> 9 alt.religion.jehovahs-witn
> 9 alt.religion.scientology
> 9 alt.ufo.reports
> 9
> 9 comp.databases.olap
> 9 de.alt.ufo
> 9 it.discussioni.ufo
> 9 no.prat.ufo
> 9 soc.culture.jewish
> 9 uk.environment
> 9
> 9
> 9
> 9
> 9 uk.misc
> 9 uk.people.gothic
> 9
> 9 uk.telecom
> 8 alt.consciousness
> 8 alt.impeach.clinton
> 7 alt.paranormal.reincarnation
> 6 alt.abuse.recovery
> 6 alt.atheism
> 6
> 6 alt.disney.disneyworld
> 6 alt.healing.reiki
> 6 alt.magic
> 6 alt.magic.secrets
> 6 alt.magick
> 6 alt.meditation.shabda
> 6 alt.meditation.transcendental
> 6 alt.metaphysics.a-a-bailey
> 6 alt.out-of-body
> 6 alt.recovery
> 6 alt.religion.bahai
> 6 alt.religion.christian.baptist
> 6 alt.religion.christian.east-orthodox
> 6 alt.religion.unification
> 6 alt.religion.vaisnava
> 6 alt.religion.wicca
> 6 alt.startrek.creative
> 6
> 6
> 6 alt.yogananda
> 6 alt.zen
> 6 aus.politics
> 6 de.alt.astrologie
> 6 it.arti.fotografia
> 6 it.economia.borsa
> 6 rec.martial-arts
> 6 sci.astro.amateur
> 6 soc.genealogy.britain
> 6 soc.retirement
> 6
> 6 uk.people.teens
> 6 uk.rec.ufo
> 5
> 5
> 5 talk.religion.buddhism
> 4 a.bsu.religion
> 4
> 4 humanities.language.sanskrit
> 3 alt.antichristnet
> 3
> 3 alt.christnet
> 3 alt.christnet.prayer
> 3 alt.christnet.public
> 3
> 3
> 3 alt.folklore.urban
> 3 alt.philosophy
> 3 alt.religion.christian.biblestudy
> 3 alt.religion.w-w-church-god
> 3 alt.revisionism
> 3
> 3 alt.tarot
> 3 aus.religion.christian
> 3 fa.deos
> 3 soc.culture.argentina
> 3 soc.culture.brazil
> 3 soc.culture.singapore
> 3 soc.culture.tamil
> 3 soc.culture.thai
> 3 soc.penpals
> 3
> 3 uk.local.yorkshire
> 2 alt.slack
> 2
> 2 soc.culture.indian.telugu
> 1 alt.culture.egyptian
> 1 alt.islam.sufism
> 1
> 1 alt.religion.islam.arabic
> 1
> 1
> 1
> 1 sci.military.naval
> 1 soc.culture.afghanistan
> 1 soc.culture.egyptian
> 1 uk.religion.islam
> Not only under many deja- Afshin spams also under yahoo accounts
> (
> incluing
> This is Afshin's action under that alias:
> Number of Messages Forum
> 32 soc.culture.indian
> 16 alt.religion.eckankar
> 13 talk.religion.newage
> 9 uk.religion.hindu
> 9 uk.religion.interfaith
> 8 aus.politics
> 8 uk.religion.buddhist
> 8 uk.religion.misc
> 8 uk.religion.other-faiths
> 7 alt.religion.vaisnava
> 6 alt.folklore.ghost-stories
> 5 soc.culture.singapore
> 4
> 4
> 3 alt.zen
> 3 soc.culture.indonesia
> 3 soc.culture.malaysia
> 3 talk.religion.buddhism
> 2 alt.consciousness
> 2 alt.religion.buddhism.tibetan
> 2 soc.culture.australian
> 2 soc.culture.tamil
> 2 uk.misc
> 1
> 1
> 1
> 1 alt.religion.islam
> 1 alt.religion.scientology
> 1
> 1
> 1 soc.culture.british
> 1 soc.culture.irani
> Afshin is also, repeating the same spam:
> 37 alt.healing.reiki
> 16 alt.smokers
> 14 soc.culture.iranian
> 12 soc.culture.indian
> 8 alt.paranormal.reincarnation
> 8
> 7 alt.invest.penny-stocks
> 6 uk.religion.hindu
> 5
> 5
> 5 soc.culture.argentina
> 4 alt.atheism
> 3 fr.soc.religion
> 2 a.bsu.religion
> 2 alt.aromatherapy
> 2 alt.religion.scientology
> 2 soc.culture.pakistan.religion
> 1 alt.baldspot
> 1
> 1 alt.paranet.metaphysics
> 1 alt.peeves
> 1 alt.religion.islam
> 1 alt.religion.shamanism
> 1 talk.religion.course-miracle
> 1 talk.religion.misc
> 1 talk.religion.newage
> Also see,,
> --
> "We've heard that a million monkeys at a million
> keyboards could produce the Complete Works of
> Shakespeare; now, thanks to the Internet, we know
> this is not true." -Robert Wilensky
Re: Boodskap aan die Indiers & SABC [boodskap #25100 is 'n antwoord op boodskap #25027] So, 01 Augustus 1999 00:00 Na vorige boodskap
reisiger  is tans af-lyn  reisiger
Boodskappe: 646
Geregistreer: Julie 1999
Karma: 0
Senior Lid
So, in Sai Baba's own words, he lacks the knowledge to do
certain things--in short, he is not omniscient! How do we
reconcile this obvious contradiction?

This is an Afikaans ng. I hereby request sincerely, that
you translate your postings into Afrikaans if you wish to
participate here. I am not prepared to continue this
discussion in English, neither will this ng be used to
instigate racial hatred between Afrikaners and Indians.
I know too many facts. Therefore this discussion shall
continue in Afrikaans, under my personal interpretation of
the Christian Bible.

God het die aarde geskape. En die mense vrye keuse te gee
om te doen wat hulle wil. Dit bewys God is nie dood nie,
maar dat hy lewe. Nou is dit ons keuse om die pad te loop
wat ons wil. Elke sekonde is ons sekonde van keuse.

Op die einde van die dag, maak nie saak hoe ons na al die
argumente kyk nie, kan ons net op ons eie vasstel wat
aangaan. En na onsself kyk in alle opregtheid en
eerlikheid, in ons goeie en slegte eienskappe - beide die
skaduwee kant en die goeie helfte. En wyd te lees. My pad
is om buite Afrikaner politieke gemaksones te beweeg, van
Christelike gemaksones na gemaksones van ander

Leendert kyk hierna. Nou sal jy Beeld te verwronge beeld
verstaan. Sai Baba is anti-Kommunisties. Dit is hoekom hy
so gehaat word, en ons as Afrikaners. Die beginsel van
Kommunisme is dat rasse mekaar nie kan verdra nie, en haat
onstaan. Dit is snert. Rasse kan in vrede met mekaar
saamlewe. Daar is talle bewyse. Ons hunker om in vrede saam
te leef, maar politieke partye swaai rasse haat teen mekaar
op. As ons as Afrikaners nie bereid is andere te gun wat
hulle wil wees nie, en andere haat, ondersteun ons
Kommunisme en weet dit nie eers nie.

Ek is nie bereid om rassime in SA te veroorsaak nie. Die
feit is dat ek nie langer hierdie ng kon hanteer as 'n
media verlenging om haat teen Afrikaners te blaas nie.
Hulle is siek. Ons is ook siek. Die probleem is ons soek
die foute by andere, maar kan dit nie in onsself raaksien
nie. Party van ons Gebruik godsdiens (of die New Age) om 'n
pragtige omhulsel om ons te verf, maar binne in ons skuil
die doodsbeendere van jare lange se haat.

In Desember 1997 het my kop letterlik gebars. Ek kon dit
nie langer hanteer nie. Diegene wat ons programmeer met
haat, en haat aanblaas, gaan staal trane huil. Julle dae
van lieg is verby. Ons dae van weghardloop is ook verby.
Ons is nie Tibetane nie. Hierdie is Afrika, nie 'n
plek vir sissies en weghardlopers nie. Ons is Afrikaners -
die EU integreer 340 jaar later.

Moenie Swartmense teen ons opsteek nie, dit gaan nie werk
nie. Ek is nie paranoies nie. Ek is lief vir almal hier, en
sal julle raad gee vir oorlewing.

Ons kan net in vrede in hierdie land saamlewe as ons na
onsself kyk, en die drake in onsself oorwin. Daarna kan ons
sosiale drake konfronteer. Van yster na staal. Dan kan ons
genesing bring in Afrika, en hulle terugsending na hulle
Voorvader Geeste toe. Die skade regmaak wat ons aan hulle
gedoen het. Die Christelike godsdiens staan uit bo andere -
hulle kan interpreteer word as 'n oorlogsboek, maar die
Bybel het 'n kern voorbeeld van 'n Geneser se lewe op

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