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Tuis » Algemeen » Koeitjies & kalfies » -STUK IN ENGELS- Thoughts on Death by Thomas Kempis (Gebore1380)
Re: Thoughts on Death - Wat's aan die anderkant? [boodskap #71893 is 'n antwoord op boodskap #71881] Ma, 13 Januarie 2003 19:14 Na vorige boodskapna volgende boodskap
Oorspronklik gepos deur:

Katryn wrote:

> Van Cohen gepraat - En dat Cohen nou finaalweg Zen verlaat
> het, en 'n dissipel is van 'n Hindu swami wat blykbaar 'n handjievol
> getroue volgelinge daar in Indië, het.

Ek weet nie wat hy deesdae doen nie. Ek weet
hy het Mt. Baldy in Los Angeles verlaat. Ek
neem aan dit was 'n Zen klooster. My man sing
oor en oor een deuntjie uit een van sy nuutste
songs: "I took my diamond to the pawn shop, but
that don't make it junk," of soiets.

Re: Thoughts on Death - Wat's aan die anderkant? [boodskap #71926 is 'n antwoord op boodskap #71868] Di, 14 Januarie 2003 17:54 Na vorige boodskapna volgende boodskap
Swart Simon  is tans af-lyn  Swart Simon
Boodskappe: 101
Geregistreer: Julie 2002
Karma: 0
Senior Lid
"Katryn" skryf in boodskap

> Ek verstaan en respekteer jou geloof en sienswyses, Tobie. En ek dink
> jy is 'n gelukkige mens wat vir SEKER weet waarin jy glo, en waarheen
> jy gaan. Net soos ek ook die rerige Ateiste admireer, want hulle
> twyfel ook nie. Ek is 'n agnostiek - ek twyfel. Nie oor konsepte
> soos dood of hemel of hel nie, maar ek twyfel oor die
bestaan van God.

Dan is jy nie 'n agnostikus nie maar 'n twyfelaar.

'n Agnostikus, nie minder nie as 'n ateïs en iemand wat
glo in die bestaan van 'n God, is seker waarin hy glo.

Swart Simon
Re: Thoughts on Death - Wat's aan die anderkant? [boodskap #71942 is 'n antwoord op boodskap #71893] Wo, 15 Januarie 2003 01:20 Na vorige boodskapna volgende boodskap
Waaierstertmuis  is tans af-lyn  Waaierstertmuis
Boodskappe: 1592
Geregistreer: Oktober 2001
Karma: 0
Senior Lid
"" wrote:
> My man sing
> oor en oor een deuntjie uit een van sy nuutste
> songs: "I took my diamond to the pawn shop, but
> that don't make it junk," of soiets.

Hulle sê dat die diamant na die laaste kopie van die Diamond Sutra
wat hy gehad het, verwys.
Woorde... [boodskap #71943 is 'n antwoord op boodskap #71926] Wo, 15 Januarie 2003 01:25 Na vorige boodskapna volgende boodskap
Waaierstertmuis  is tans af-lyn  Waaierstertmuis
Boodskappe: 1592
Geregistreer: Oktober 2001
Karma: 0
Senior Lid
"Swart Simon" wrote:

> Dan is jy nie 'n agnostikus nie maar 'n twyfelaar.

Ek twyfel...

> 'n Agnostikus, nie minder nie as 'n ateïs en iemand wat
> glo in die bestaan van 'n God, is seker waarin hy glo.

In Amerikaans beteken "agnostic":
1. One who believes that it is impossible to know whether there is a
2. One who is skeptical about the existence of God but does not
profess true atheism.
3. One who is doubtful or noncommittal about something.

WORD HISTORY An agnostic does not deny the existence of God and
heaven but holds that one cannot know for certain whether or not they
exist. The term agnostic was fittingly coined by the 19th-century
British scientist Thomas H. Huxley, who believed that only material
phenomena were objects of exact knowledge. He made up the word from
the prefix a–, meaning “without, not,” as in amoral, and the noun
Gnostic. Gnostic is related to the Greek word gnosis, “knowledge,”
which was used by early Christian writers to mean “higher, esoteric
knowledge of spiritual things”; hence, Gnostic referred to those with
such knowledge. In coining the term agnostic, Huxley was considering
as “Gnostics” a group of his fellow intellectuals—“ists,” as he called
them—who had eagerly embraced various doctrines or theories that
explained the world to their satisfaction. Because he was a “man
without a rag of a label to cover himself with,” Huxley coined the
term agnostic for himself, its first published use being in 1870.
Re: Thoughts on Death - Wat's aan die anderkant? [boodskap #71979 is 'n antwoord op boodskap #71893] Wo, 15 Januarie 2003 14:20 Na vorige boodskapna volgende boodskap
Max[1]  is tans af-lyn  Max[1]
Boodskappe: 240
Geregistreer: Februarie 2002
Karma: 0
Senior Lid
I fought against the bottle
But I had to do it drunk

> songs: "I took my diamond to the pawn shop, but
> that don't make it junk," of soiets.
> Gloudina
Re: Woorde... [boodskap #72065 is 'n antwoord op boodskap #71943] Do, 16 Januarie 2003 17:49 Na vorige boodskapna volgende boodskap
Swart Simon  is tans af-lyn  Swart Simon
Boodskappe: 101
Geregistreer: Julie 2002
Karma: 0
Senior Lid
"Katryn" skryf in boodskap
> "Swart Simon" wrote:
>> Dan is jy nie 'n agnostikus nie maar 'n twyfelaar.
> Ek twyfel...
>> 'n Agnostikus, nie minder nie as 'n ateïs en iemand wat
>> glo in die bestaan van 'n God, is seker waarin hy
> In Amerikaans beteken "agnostic":

Wat weet Amerikaners nou? ;-)

Kernwoordeboek van Afrikaans (de Villiers, Smuts en

Agnostisisme. Leer dat die mens die wese van God en
van dinge nie ken nie en nie kan weet hoe die heelal
onstaan het nie en dus alleen sigbare en tasbare dinge
in aanmerking kan neem.

Van Dale:

Agnosticisme. De inzonderheid door Spencer en Huxley
ontwikkelde leer dat wij de eerste oorzaak der dingen
(God, het absolute) niet kunnen kennen.

Brewer's Dictionary of Phrase and Fable:

Agnostic (Gr. a, not; gignoskein, to know). A term
coined by T.H. Huxley in 186 (with allusion to St.
Paul's mention of an altar "To the Unknown God" in Acts
xvii, 23) to indicate the mental attitude of those who
withhold their assent from whatever is incapable of
proof, e.g. the existence of God, a First Cause, etc.
An Agnostic simply says "I do not know".

en ook (weer Brewer's):

Theist, Deist, Atheist, Agnostic. A theist believes
there is a God who made and governs all creation;
Christians, Jews and Mohammedans are included among
theists. A deist believes there is a God who created
all things, but does not believe in His superintendence
and government. He thinks the Creator implanted in all
things certain immutable laws, called the Laws of
Nature, which act per se, as a watch acts without the
supervision of its maker. He does not believe in the
doctrine of the Trinity, nor in a divine revelation.
The atheist disbelieves even the existence of a God.
He thinks matter is eternal, and what we call
"creation" is the result of natural laws. The agnostic
believes only what is knowable. He rejects revelation
and the doctrine of the Trinity as "past human
understanding". He is neither theist, deist, nor
atheist, as all these subscribe to doctrines that are
incapable of scientific proof.

Niks van twyfel nie.

Swart Simon
Re: Woorde... [boodskap #72082 is 'n antwoord op boodskap #72065] Vr, 17 Januarie 2003 03:37 Na vorige boodskap
Waaierstertmuis  is tans af-lyn  Waaierstertmuis
Boodskappe: 1592
Geregistreer: Oktober 2001
Karma: 0
Senior Lid
"Swart Simon" wrote:

> Wat weet Amerikaners nou? ;-)

Hey now!! Be nice! :-)

> Niks van twyfel nie.

Dit was baie interessant. Dankie, Simon. Wat vir my veral nogal
interessant was, is om weer op te merk hoe kultuur woordbegrip
(bedoelende betekenis van 'n spesifieke woord), kan verander.
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